Friday 20 November 2009

Double page spread analysis

I am analysising a double page spread from the NME that was published on 17th October 2009. This double page spread is about a new band called the "Temper Trap" and how they became a big indie band. On the front cover of the NME, "The Temper Trap" isn't shown as big on the front coverof the magazine than other artists so you wouldn't aspect big news from the "The Temper Trap". But as you read through the NME you can see that "The Temper Trap" actually has a double page spread right in the middle of the magazine so you know that it's one of the main articles in the issue of the NME.

The layout of the double page is very unsual than any other usual double page spread. This could be quite a challenge for people read it because the structure of the text is strange to follow. The layout is just one picture of the band right in the middle of the spread and the text is around the picture. The way its layered out is very simple and it shows that it has such a great affect on the page. The reason why I think it has been laid out great is because I think it's creative with the way the writing is surrounding the image and that gives you the thought of who they are talking about where you can glance in the middle and see who "The Temper Trap" are. In my opinion I see the layout of the writing very unique and I think it shows the highs and lows of "The Temper Trap".

The image on the double page spread that NME has created is very youthful. You can see that it connects well with the band and the setting because "the Temper Trap" are a new up and coming band and there posing in the streets where there is a painted goal behind them. Most likely kids will hang around the streets. That could also show what audience they are seeking out. It probably shows you that they are new to the business because people says that "everything start in the streets". On the image the guys just looks like they not looking at the camera and they are also talking to each other. This shows that they are not use to lifestyle of celebrity life. Whereas one of the band playing feels like he is living up the life of a celebrity with his sunglasses on posing to the camera. This is because he feels like he has seek out his opportunity to stardom from his hit single but it shows a bit of laughter because he is wearing sunglasses even though the image looks like its from a cloudy day but most celebrity wear their sunglasses anywhere. The title is very creative how it looks like it is painted on the wall. The same colour to the white football goal.

The typography on this page is very analytical of how they became a big band. The title "The song that won't die", says what the story is all about after you read the double page spread. That song that the "temper Trap" produce was played around everywhere in movies and advertisement from big channels but the public didn't know who was playing the song. The song "sweet disposition" was played only on the movie but became to be a chart number 1.
The typography is suitable to the teenage/adult audience because there is quite a lot words on this double page spread. It has swear words in the page like "bullshit" that won't be suitable to read. Some challenging words like "undoubtedly" and "fraught" is words that most adult would read.

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